Der Wolf und der Fuchs Englisch

Hier kannst du das Märchen Der Wolf und der Fuchs auf Englisch lesen. Bei dem Text handelt es sich um eine Nacherzählung.

The wolf and the fox

A wolf and a fox were walking through the forest together. Soon the wolf was hungry and said to the fox:

„Hey, fox, get me some food or I’ll eat you.“

Der Wolf und der Fuchs Märchen

The fox could not contradict him, because the wolf was stronger than him. So he rather answered:

„I know a farm, there are little lambs running around. I can get you one of those.“

The wolf agreed and they went to the farm. The fox caught one of the little lambs and brought it to the wolf. The wolf ate the lamb. But one was not enough for him, he wanted to have more.

But the fox had gone his way in the meantime. So the wolf had to get a second lamb for himself. But he was so clumsy that the ewe discovered the robber. She immediately began to bleat loudly: „Baa, baa, baa!“

The farmers heard this. They quickly came running and beat up the wolf.

When the wolf met the fox again, he was angry with him: „You tricked me! I was about to get a second lamb when the farmers caught me and beat me up.“

The fox replied, „It’s your own fault. Why are you so gluttonous, as well?“

The next day, the two of them walked across the fields together.

The wolf got hungry again and said to the fox, „Hey, fox, get me something to eat or I’ll eat you.“

The fox replied, „There’s a farmhouse nearby. The woman is baking pancakes tonight. I can get you some of those.“

The wolf agreed and they went to the farmhouse. The fox crept around the house until he spotted the bowl of pancakes. He pulled six pancakes out of the bowl and brought them to the wolf. The wolf immediately gobbled them down and wanted more. But the fox had gone his way again.

So the wolf looked for the bowl with the pancakes himself. He found them and greedily reached in. In doing so, he tore the bowl down and it shattered into shards. Immediately the woman came to see what the noise was. She saw the wolf and quickly called the neighbors. They rushed over and beat up the wolf.

When he met the fox again, he was furious: „You tricked me again! The people caught me and beat me up.“

The fox replied, „It’s your own fault. Why are you so greedy, too?“

The next day they were out together again.

The wolf got hungry again and said to the fox, „Hey, fox, get me something to eat or I’ll eat you.“

The fox replied, „I know a farmer who has just had his meat slaughtered. The meat is in a barrel in the cellar. I can get you some of that.“

The wolf said, „This time I’ll come with you to the cellar so you won’t leave me alone again.“

The fox replied, „Fine by me.“ And he showed the wolf the way to the cellar. There was meat in abundance and the wolf immediately began to eat greedily. The fox also ate some, but he kept looking around and went to the hole through which they had come. There he checked to see if he could still fit through.

The wolf wondered and asked, „Fox, why do you keep walking around?“

„I just want to check that no one is coming either,“ the fox replied.

The wolf continued to eat. He would not stop until all the meat was gone.

Suddenly the farmer came into the cellar, because he had heard noises. The fox quickly jumped out through the hole and ran away. The wolf wanted to follow. But he was so full of food that he got stuck in the hole.

The farmer had a club with him and killed the greedy wolf.

The fox went back into the forest and was glad to be rid of the greedy and gluttonous wolf.

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