Christmas Story for kids

Christmas is just around the corner and there is snow everywhere. But Charlie feels like crying. Why? Find out in this free Christmas story for kids.

The last Christmas tree

Everything could have been perfect. It was the morning of Christmas Eve and it had already been snowing for three days. A white Christmas. That’s what Charlie had wanted.

But there was a problem.

Charlie’s family didn’t have a Christmas tree yet.

Not that they had forgotten. No, on the contrary. Charlie had asked his father weeks ago when they were going to pick out the Christmas tree.

But his father wanted to do it differently this year.

„This year we won’t buy the tree until Christmas Eve,“ he had explained. „Then we’ll get a big discount because the traders have to get rid of their last trees.“

His father thought that was a clever idea. But Charlie had been sceptical from the start.

And now they had a problem. It was Christmas Eve and they couldn’t buy a tree.

No cars could drive because of all the snow. They couldn’t even open the garage door because the snow was blocking it.

„Then I guess we’ll have to celebrate without a Christmas tree this year,“ Charlie’s mum stated. „And grandma and grandpa probably won’t be able to come in this weather either,“ she guessed.


No wonder Charlie felt like crying. Christmas without a tree and without his grandparents. That would be a sad celebration.

He sat in his room and looked sadly out of the window. Thick snowflakes were falling from the sky and the blanket of snow on the street was getting thicker and thicker.

But suddenly he heard a loud laugh. He stuck his head out of the window and was in for a surprise!

His grandparents were just coming up the driveway. Grandma was sitting on a sledge and Grandpa was pulling the sledge behind him on a rope.


Charlie put his jacket on and ran outside.

„What’s going on here?“ asked Grandpa, looking at Charlie‘ sad face.

„Dad hasn’t bought a Christmas tree yet,“ Charlie sobbed. „And now it’s snowing so hard that we can’t even get out of the garage with the car. That means we don’t have a Christmas tree.“

„We’re not going to let that stop us! We may not be able to drive cars in this snow. But it’s perfect for a sleigh ride,“ Charlie’s grandpa declared.

Grandma agreed with him, „We came all the way to your house through the snow. That was some fun!“

Charlie thought about it for a moment. The idea wasn’t so bad. You could certainly transport a Christmas tree on the sledge.

He ran and fetched his own sledge from the shed. Then he convinced his father to take the sledge to the Christmas tree sale.

His mother also wanted to come along.

So the whole family set off.


For an hour they trudged through the snow. Then they finally arrived at the Christmas tree sale.

„Well, you’re in luck,“ said the Christmas tree seller. „I was just about to close. I didn’t think anyone would come to get a Christmas tree in this weather.“

Charlie was relieved. They had arrived just in time.

„There’s one tree left. This is the last one,“ the salesman said, showing them the tree. „A particularly nice one,“ he added.

„Can we take this one? Please, Dad!“ cried Charlie enthusiastically when he saw the tree.

„It must be expensive,“ Charlie’s father murmured back softly.

But then the salesman went on: „You know what?“ he said. „You’re getting the tree for free! No one will buy it tomorrow.“


Now that was an offer! Charlie’s family couldn’t say no.

They thanked the man and wished him a Merry Christmas.

Then they put the Christmas tree on Charlie’s sleigh and set off on their way back.

On the way home, everyone was happy.

Dad was happy that they had got a tree for absolutely free. And Charlie was happy that they had a tree at all.

Grandma and Grandpa were happy about the sleigh ride.

And his mother was happy that everyone else was happy and that it would be a nice Christmas after all.

Then Charlie’s dad said, „Maybe next year we’ll buy the Christmas tree a little earlier.

Everyone had to laugh out loud.

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